Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My listening blog:Obama Speech

1. This is my listening blog link:

2. Summary:
     Obama gave us a good speech, after introduction, he encouraged  Ameican people to be hopeful to Ameica now, especilly the economy, which is a  big challenge for Americans. Also, he promised there will have more jobs  be created  and  the business will have a better situation. Next, he moved on education of childen, and the America will make efforts to make more children get high education, whcih make Amercia great as Obama said. At the end, he talked about the violence for children,  and  he will try to keep children safety, because we will live on the next  generation .
3. Opinion
  It's first time to listen to Obama's speech, and he is a good speaker, which make his speech splendid. During the speech, he has passion , humorous, and  thoughtful.  Almost every listener will be affeted. His speech not only gives us  fluent and  perfect expression, it also leads us to an emotional areas, which are full of love, caring, and hope. I believe Ameica will be bright  under his leadship,as he said" please believe me, let's keep on , let's look forword!"

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