Sunday, July 22, 2012

Denver review : Sherman Church

      Today, I went to Sherman church, where lies in downtown. In fact, I expect to go to church  for many days. When my America friend told me go there together. I  was excited and promised. Although I'm not  a christian, I still want to experience it. Before I came to America, I had known the christianity is one of  three main  religions  in the world. Also,  Bible is an impotant and  meaningful book. It's unexpect that opportunity comes.
     When we got there, there are many people who have been waiting and talking. and we can take some dessert and fruit to eat on the fiirst floor. It differs than what  I  image, and the inside of church  is so beautiful and amazing. In short, It give me a comfortable feeling. About 11 o'clock,  it began, and the band  appeared and sang some songs. The songs are inspirab-le and shocked, which made me get into this       atmosphere.Actually, I think most songs more like poems ,which have rhyme and fluency, like come jesus come.
I like these songs because they make people's heart active and excited. After that,  a man who  speaks very fast  said something about church rules.  About a couple minutes later, another guy appeared and started the last thing today, and he is vevy humor, which always make people laugh. Absolutely, his speed is too fast to catch up for me. But from my memory, I still can remember some words , like moral lines and god exists who is observing you all the time, and some ethical judgement. Finally, he read the last page of  BIEBLE, and during the reading, we all pray for a while. I have been thinking what person the Jesus is , and why can he affect so many people in the world?  When I listened to the last song, I felt the church became a concert suddenly, and I saw many people who have passion stand up, which remind me some scenes in Olympic games. I am proud of myself , perhaps, this is the charming of religions.
       About the religions, they all are beliefs that peple own, When I came to America, I found so many churches in Denver. As a reflection of culture, the effection of religion surprised me, which differ than what in china.In fact, most chinese don't have beliefs, ethically, it's not a good thing for chinese. Personally, I  don't belong to any religions, and I am always embrassed when people ask me my belief.  I  aslo have been searching for my confusion. Till one day,  I  found answers: beliefs are help you how to get spiritual, you can  use prayer, silence, meditation, connect what ever is right for you , renew your spirit and strength." I think I can get through this and found a belief  that belongs to myself .

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a very personal experience. It's nice you had such a nice time. However, this entry does not focus on the church as a "review" and does not follow the assignment's directions. All of your entries are written as personal reflections. You need to follow instructions more carefully.
