Sunday, July 15, 2012

My listening blog# One hour with Bill Gates

1.This is the link of my listening blog: One hour with Bill Gates,vepisode,1,0
2. Summary:
       It's Charlie Rose interview to Bill Gates. Bill Gates built foundation in india to help poors, This foundation is almost more than one billon dollars, and it try best to promote education and improve medical condition  in India. Also, he give a compariosn between China and India, and he analyze the obvious problems that india existed. He talked about the reason why he chose the india instead of the china. In his words, because the india largely need. In addition, he pushed some programs in india, and included some communitties to help women in the north of india. and he even talked to them and asked them how the feeling. He is optimistic for his foundation which benefits the india and he wanted to persist it. Meanwhile, he will engage in more projects that have a research in new tools, including HIV. after that , he talked about his successful experience and feeling, and he explained the PC programs between Microsoft and Apple. Next, he talked about software competition and his opinions to facebook and Google these competitors. At the end, he moved on education and how to make children benefit it and change it.
3. Opinion
    It's a good interview, during the interview, I can see some funny questions and the humorous answers from Bill Gates.As a rich man in the world, he built foundation which was a great milestone for his intended career.He also pushed his idea to the reality except the software, which is proceeding now. No matter how difficult it is, he said he could't fall back because he has engaged many years. About the foundation, he strongly believed that it will make people benefit actually. I was inspired by Bill Gates,who always pursue his goals bravely and then make efforts to achiece it, Although it's incredible for people. Perhaps, this is the difference between success and failure.


  1. This is a nice summary and response. It sounds like a very interesting program to have watched.

    One thing I would like you to do in your writing is focus on writing complex sentences in English style--when I read your writing, often times, it still sounds like you are translating in your head what you want to say.
    Chinese and English ways of speaking/writing are very different; try to model your writing on the writing you read in class. Does this make sense?

    1. In fact, I have been searching for that,and i always translate Chinese into Englsih, sometime it's hard to change, but I will focus on it later.
