Monday, August 13, 2012


       It's a beautiful scenery ,different colors houses are surrounded by lush mountains. It looks like a peaceful and quiet village, where is far away from the noisy and crowd cities.Also, there is a bridge that stands tall and upright in the front of this village.After being shocked and attracted by this landscape,I notice a guy who is at the top of bridge drives a car. Now that he wants to open fire, it looks like a flight will break out. By the time he arrived, all people here had already left. Even though  they weren't reluctant to leave their home, he didn't have another way to avoid suffering. It's vey lucky that we see so beautiful senery before the violent fight starts.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

My listening blog:Armywives

1. This is my listening blog link:
2. Summary:
   It  plays army families, and it mainly tell three familyes, who the husband is soilder. First, the daugher drank alcholo illegally, and the mother is very angry with this and quarreled with her daughter. Her  father  has a lot business to do in the army, so he couldn't  handle it stay at home. Second, the wife quarreled with her husband, she even let her husband quit in the army and find a new job, because she think he should earn more money to support the family.Thirdly,this is also a couple who want to divorce, the wife could't forgive her husband no mateer her husband apologize.
3. Opinion
  It's intereting and funny when I finished it, during this episode, it just told some annoying and  trouble in army families. In fact, it's similar to reaily, because we could't be sweet and happy every day . On the contray, there must have some boring and bad things that we shoud face. About the feeling of this episode, I think most armywives should understand their husabands, although their husband could't earn much money and take much time with families, they still love their wives and families. Most ot time,  their husbands should foucus jobs , so please the armywives could comprehend that.

Denver review: Chili's Grill & Bar

       Friday evening,  I went to chili's restaurant with Adam. It's unexpected that so many Americans were eating here. We waited ten minutes before we got a table, when we sat , I observed this restaurant carefully, although it's not big  inside, it had a good atmosphere  to have a dinner.When the waiter came, I hestitated  what I  should choose, because there are too many dishes and most of them are new for me. This time, Adam  gave me some advice and I ordered a steak finally . When I  tasted it, I feel the American dishes are pretty good as well.
      During the dinner,  I talked with Adam  as usual, I asked his work and camping, he also asked me my English, and he brought some DVD , which are famous Amerian movies. In fact,  I am thankful for Aadm, because he helped me to practice English, besides, he introduced many places and culture in America. Althouhg it's  very short that we met each time. it's so interesting and excited. Every time, I feel  the time is so fast when we are together. Tonight,  when  it's close to 8:30. I  am reluctant to say bye to Adam.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My listening blog:Obama Speech

1. This is my listening blog link:

2. Summary:
     Obama gave us a good speech, after introduction, he encouraged  Ameican people to be hopeful to Ameica now, especilly the economy, which is a  big challenge for Americans. Also, he promised there will have more jobs  be created  and  the business will have a better situation. Next, he moved on education of childen, and the America will make efforts to make more children get high education, whcih make Amercia great as Obama said. At the end, he talked about the violence for children,  and  he will try to keep children safety, because we will live on the next  generation .
3. Opinion
  It's first time to listen to Obama's speech, and he is a good speaker, which make his speech splendid. During the speech, he has passion , humorous, and  thoughtful.  Almost every listener will be affeted. His speech not only gives us  fluent and  perfect expression, it also leads us to an emotional areas, which are full of love, caring, and hope. I believe Ameica will be bright  under his leadship,as he said" please believe me, let's keep on , let's look forword!"

Sunday, July 29, 2012

My listening blog: Rookie Blue

1.This is my listening blog link:

   They are rookie detectives,men are handsome and women are beautiful and funny. One day, it happened an accident, and three women are on the way to wedding when they hit a car. The detectives asked them but in vain, and the detective discovered a dead man in red color car when she broke the glass. They checked the crime scene and investigated this case . The eyewitnees said the bride among three women drove the car. so the bride was arrested. Later, the detective found the laceration that be stabbed by a knife.
the detective found a sign 911 on bride's right hand,and she felt the bride should know the more information about the victim. and they focus their attention on victim's brother. when they arrived his brother's apartment  the moment that his brother was brought by someone.Finally ,the bride said the truth and told them the real address of victim. and the detectives took action and rushed to the apartment.........

3. opinion
  Compared with detective shows in china, rookie blue is more funny and interesting. Most of time, I thought it is a drama which is very humor and relaxed. In this movie, three women who are drunk added more funny sights, especially the bride who is gong to marry in few hours.  Finally, the detective got the important detalis from her and finished the case. I think it's a good episode  that  I will spend more time on it,  and the plot that has diifferent cases and characters attract me.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

My listening blog: Law and order

1. My listening link:
2. Summary:
     It's a special victim, which happened in New York city. A shooting took place in a home, A delivery guy found it. The wife and husband was killed, and their daughter Emmy who is fourteen years old was beening rescued in hospical. Absolutely, the detectives arrived the spot first time where it happened. Later, the detectives met Rob who is the boyfriend of  the daughter. and they asked about  something about his girlfriend. Also, they found the housekeeper who served fourteen years in victim's house. and they found her brother Jim who is leading to learn Bible. Besides, they talked with a boss who has a bar and commited many crimes, but finally, he was released. At this time, the daughter waken up, and the detectives asked her some details about her parents, and they investigated it from Rob, and they found some strange things that realted to this case. Finally, the report proved Emmy is  not target and Jim spoke...... Emmy is the killer who want her parents die, and Jim and his sisiter was a part of murder.
      I'm very sad and angry that the parents treat their daughter bad, which caused the daughter pointing  the gun to their parents. Even badly, her mother isn't better than a homekeeper,who always care and help her. Buth her favor to Emmy lead to be much worse, which make this thing complicated and parents dead. I think a nice and harmony family is extremely important to a child's growing. every child want to get care from parents instead of blaming and cold -blood. Absolutely, in this case, Emmy should find other ways to solve it rather than revenge and hate, and she never know she will get more hurts and  the punishment that is waiting for her.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Denver review : Sherman Church

      Today, I went to Sherman church, where lies in downtown. In fact, I expect to go to church  for many days. When my America friend told me go there together. I  was excited and promised. Although I'm not  a christian, I still want to experience it. Before I came to America, I had known the christianity is one of  three main  religions  in the world. Also,  Bible is an impotant and  meaningful book. It's unexpect that opportunity comes.
     When we got there, there are many people who have been waiting and talking. and we can take some dessert and fruit to eat on the fiirst floor. It differs than what  I  image, and the inside of church  is so beautiful and amazing. In short, It give me a comfortable feeling. About 11 o'clock,  it began, and the band  appeared and sang some songs. The songs are inspirab-le and shocked, which made me get into this       atmosphere.Actually, I think most songs more like poems ,which have rhyme and fluency, like come jesus come.
I like these songs because they make people's heart active and excited. After that,  a man who  speaks very fast  said something about church rules.  About a couple minutes later, another guy appeared and started the last thing today, and he is vevy humor, which always make people laugh. Absolutely, his speed is too fast to catch up for me. But from my memory, I still can remember some words , like moral lines and god exists who is observing you all the time, and some ethical judgement. Finally, he read the last page of  BIEBLE, and during the reading, we all pray for a while. I have been thinking what person the Jesus is , and why can he affect so many people in the world?  When I listened to the last song, I felt the church became a concert suddenly, and I saw many people who have passion stand up, which remind me some scenes in Olympic games. I am proud of myself , perhaps, this is the charming of religions.
       About the religions, they all are beliefs that peple own, When I came to America, I found so many churches in Denver. As a reflection of culture, the effection of religion surprised me, which differ than what in china.In fact, most chinese don't have beliefs, ethically, it's not a good thing for chinese. Personally, I  don't belong to any religions, and I am always embrassed when people ask me my belief.  I  aslo have been searching for my confusion. Till one day,  I  found answers: beliefs are help you how to get spiritual, you can  use prayer, silence, meditation, connect what ever is right for you , renew your spirit and strength." I think I can get through this and found a belief  that belongs to myself .